something i want! a RED nike air

back to blog. my blog is rusty and its rotting. summary of this week! it will be a long entry!
TUE: work in the morning. after that was home sweet home. i was sick! imagine i cant eat my favourite stingray. damn. i had fever and stomachache.
WED: i give school a miss. cos the doc ask me to have a rest. rest and did nothing!
THUR: did my 3D slicing project. finally its done. 1 down 2 to go!
FRI: early in the morning i got msg from mr aaron saying i am pig la. cos i wake up at 11 plus. he try to call but my fone is off! now they know whenever my fone is off it means im slping! haa=D. external class. i was so noisy la. create so much joke. laugh and laugh.
SAT: morning shift. im the joke of the day again. darn. it was my first tym seeing sham laughing in a super kua zhang manner. haa. after tat chill out with them at town.
TODAY: morning shift. town again. nothing much. tym to do my stuff. 2 more 3Dproject, paint my 2D. so many things to be done! im far behind tym!
in a nutshell..haa. machiam writing compo. my week is full of nonsense. haa. anyway, i know grumbling is not good but still. i wan to grumble! IMF is held at sun tec. to me is very troublesome. firstly, i cant go thru citylink! i have to walk under hot sun. not only that, i have to walk a longer route! secondly, they don allow us to use the toilet! omg. i must walk 5 min in order to reach the nearest toilet! 5MINS to the NEAREST toilet. damn. haa. enough of imf. second thing the jelly bean i bought is not nice la. haix. i tot it will be very nice so that it can accompany me thru the nite while i do my stuff.
tym to say goodbye. finally i get my blog updated! anyway, i like jay's lastest album. still fantasy. i find it nice and some song different from his previous album. cheers. i guess there is sth wrong with my stomach.
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